

    Libraries are invaluable resources that serve various functions within communities and educational institutions. Traditionally, libraries have been repositories of knowledge, housing collections of books, periodicals, manuscripts, and other materials for public access. However, modern libraries have evolved to encompass a wide range of resources and services, both physical and digital.
    Library is temple of learning.Library is the heart of school.The library has a wide collection of books 19 9999 English books,9781 Hindi books and 309 Sanskrit books. The library has 156 Reference books i.e. encyclopaedia,Dictionaries,directory,Handbooks,Atlas,Annual Reports and subjects reference books.The school library purchased leading Newspapers (04) and Magazines (20).The library has followed open access system and class library system for primary classes.School has used “E Granthalaya” software for automation of library.Library card also been make for record of user.Various competition and activies has conducted whole year to inhance reading habit anoung reader.Books are arranged subjects wise in almirah.
    New arrival,Library rules,Library statistics has been displayed in the libray notice board.”Pustakophar” a KVS initiative to donate books to junior students is organized every year .Book Exhibition are organized on special days by libray.Students can use Internet in their libray period.Beside of books user can issued old magazine from library.Functioning of library observed by library committee whole year.Newly recommended books and magazine can be provided to the users whole year.Others than books and magazine libray provides resource material to the teachers and students.

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